We CANNOT let the week go by without shouting out a true ASA! Fanatic, Dianne Adkins-Forte!
Dianne challenged herself to a 30-day ASA! challenge and she is looking AMAZING! It's the SMILE for us!
Check out a snippet from her Facebook post:
So I challenged myself to 30 days straight of ASA! Fitness and I am amazed by the results. My body is transforming!
Akosua, Nkenge, Sunmoluwa, Donovan and Kamille are the absolute best dance fitness instructors. I love this program. I'm going to keep this going. (See full journey in my story) #ASAeveryday#asafitness#asafitnesschallenge#asafanatic#Standardshigh#Squatslow#Whinetight#Supportyourpeople
